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1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Рейтинг 4.88 (4 Голосов)

French soldiers carry the dead from the trenches after an artillery barrage in 1915

December 28 1919 Dogfight Illustrations from the New York Tribune

Dec 22 1919 OTD Evening Star publishes this Clifford K Berryman cartoon about mass-deportation of 249 suspected Bolshevik and Anarchist radicals aboard “The Soviet Ark” aka USAT Buford. Among them is famous anarchist exiled US citizen Emma Goldman.

Dec 27 1917 A squadron of Nieuport Scout biplanes lined up in the snow at Bailleul Aerodrome - IWM Q 11956

Apr 9 1917 During the First Battle of the Scarpe, war photographer John Warwick Brooke takes this photo, IWM Q 6434, of British infantry congregating around a ditched tank on the Fampoux road shortly after the area was captured by elements of the 4th Division.

April 9 1917-04-09  \ Colourized by Hugh

Ottoman artillery at Gallipoli, 1915.

The original caption lists these guns as “torpedo artillery”, which I’m not really sure what is. They look like some ungodly combination of mountain gun and mortar, and whilst I had a quick look to try and find out what kind of gun they were there isn’t all that much on Ottoman artillery. They look sort of like some Austrian guns from the turn of the century, which is plausible, but I’d really like to know what they are.

German Battle Cruiser SMS Seydlitz in dry dock, showing damage sustained during the Battle of Jutland. Wilhelmshaven, 14th June 1916. 

Men of the Royal Irish Fusiliers in the trenches on the southern section of Gallipoli Peninsula, 1915.

Rather improvised looking Ottoman anti-aircraft guns at Gallipoli, 1915.

Wreck of the British submarine E15 being inspected by Turkish and German soldiers. The British submarine E15, which grounded on Kephez Point, Dardanelles, on April 17th, and was subsequently torpedoed to render it useless to the enemy in the brilliant exploit of two picket boats from the Majestic and Triumph. This photograph shows the Turks in possession of their valueless prize, which has been pitted by shot and shell. A fez wearing German naval officer is making notes. July 1915.

Egyptian Expeditionary Force soldiers pose in front of the Great Sphinx and pyramids of Giza, Egypt

IWM (Q 26550) “Troops of the 41st Division examining a destroyed DFW two-seat biplane, either German or Austro-Hungarian, one of three which fell on the British lines after a raid on Istrana aerodrome" December 26 1917 by Brooks, Ernest (Lieutenant) (Photographer)

Production date: 1917-12-26 

Ottoman gun crew loading their 18 pounder field gun while observers look on, 1915.

Dec 26 1916 Coronation of Karl I as the King of Hungary OTD in Budapest. Later crowned as the Emperor of Austria on Dec 30 1916

French Battleship Gaulois was one of three Charlemagne-class pre-dreadnought battleship built for the French Navy. On December 27 1916 the German submarine UB-47 hit the ship with a torpedo at 08:03. Most of the crew was able to be rescued. The ship capsized at 09:03 and sank eight minutes later off Cape Maleas, Greece at 36°15′N 23°42′E. 

IWM (Q 6311) “Battle traffic on a road near Ribecourt over ground captured in the battle. British horse transport is passing a line of Clyno-Vickers motorcycle and sidecar combinations" November 22 1917 by Brooke, John Warwick (Lieutenant) (Photographer) Cambrai Front

Dec 25 1916 War photographer, Ernest  Brooks, takes this photo, IWM Q 1631, of British troops eating their Christmas dinner in a shell hole, Beaumont Hamel. December 25 1916-12-25

Colourized by Benjamin K Thomas

HMT Mauretania with her second geometric dazzle camouflage scheme designed by Norman Wilkinson   


Oberjäger  Gaspar Wallnöfer, an Austrian veteran of the third Italian War of Independence back in 1866. He volunteered for service again with the onset of WWI. 

Jul 23 1918 During the Second Battle of the Marne, Thomas Keith Aitken takes this photo, IWM Q 11098, of stretcher-bearers of 2/20th Battalion, London Regiment (Blackheath and Woolwich), 62nd Division and a German prisoner bringing in a British wounded while a French ration-carrying party is going up.

July 23 1918-07-23

Colourized by Frédéric Duriez 



Title: The American Nazis - Nearly 1,000 uniformed men, wearing swastika arm bands and carrying Nazi banners ,parade past a reviewing stand in New Jersey on July 18, 1937


# Quatro 2021-06-03 06:22
Кто оппонент Гиммлера? И какова подоплека фото?

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