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1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Рейтинг 2.93 (7 Голосов)

Stoeger 1923 contract Parabellum pistol

Designed by Georg Luger in 1898 and manufactured by DMW for the American market. Serial number 8225.
7,65x21mm Parabellum, seven rounds magazine, factory made artillery barrel and sights, stamped with the American eagle.


Walther P38

Manufactured by Carl Walther Waffenfabrik in Zella-Mehlis, Germany c.1940 - serial number 3369a.
9mm Parabellum 8-round magazine, short recoil semi automatic, side-mounted lanyard ring.

Walther ‘Baby P38′ pistol

Designed and manufactured by Walther Waffenfabrik, converted by J. V. Martz of the baby Luger fame - serial number 8230S, Martz’s 49.
9x19mm 8-round removable box magazine, short recoil semi-automatic.
It ends up looking a lot like a Mauser 1934.


Walther P38 carbine

Designed and manufactured by the Carl Walther Waffenfabrik c.1939-45 and assembled/customized by John Martz in the United States - serial number 7986.
9x19mm Para 8-round removable box magazine, short-recoil semi-automatic, removable butt stock.
This gun looks much better as a carbine, something about how the forend smooths out the bottom of the gun in front of the triggerguard.


Luger Parabellum carbine

Manufactured by DMW, fixed up in California by John Martz - serial number 9050L.
9x19mm Parabellum 7-round removable box magazine, toggle lock short recoil semi-automatic, carbine configuration with a forend and a removable stock.
Martz making Wehraboos wet their pants all around the globe.


Parabellum pistol

Manufactured on order by Ralph ‘the Dean of Lugers’ Shattuck in the 1970′s.
9x19mm Parabellum 7-round removable box magazine, toggle-lock short-recoil semi-automatic, ‘bull’ target barrel.
Luger’s pistol had dozens of variations, and I’m assuming Ralph Shattuck had them all.



Luger P06/29 ‘Match’ pistol

Manufactured by Mauser c.1969-86 in Oberndorf, Germany.
9mm Luger 7-round removable box magazine, toggle-lock short recoil semi-automatic fire, “bull” heavy barrel.
Although the Luger P08 had seen some post-war production for French and Soviet occupying troops, it is only when Mauser bought back the Swiss P06/29 pistol tooling that it resumed in earnest. This target model is a rare variant of this new production run.


Luger P08 pistol with extra-long barrel

Manufactured by DMW, made up of various parts with several serial numbers.
9x19mm Parabellum, 7-rounds magazine, 20 inches Italian-made barrel, short recoil semi-automatic, toggle-lock.




Lahti Husqvarna M/40 pistol

Designed by Aimo Lahti c.1931, manufactured under license by the Husqvarna Vapenfabriks Aktiebolag c.1940~80′s in Sweden - serial number D10121.
9x19mm Parabellum 8-round removable box magazine, short recoil semi-automatic, bolt accelerator and shrouded hammer.
Originally the Finnish L-35 pistol, the M/40 was adopted for service in Sweden for more than forty years when World War 2 came, rendering the import of Walther P38 and Lahti L-35 impossible and forcing the Swedes to start local production. It was very similar to its parent design, save for minor details like the lack of a chambered round indicator, and a lower quality steel that resulted in cracks in the frame when used with the steel-jacketed ammunition used in the Karl Gustav M/45 submachine gun.




HB MM34 ‘Royal’ Schnellfeuer-type machine pistol

Manufactured in Vitoria-Gasteiz, Basque Country by Beistegui Hermanos.
7,63x25mm Mauser 20-round detachable box magazine, short recoil full automatic, air cooling fins.
So many copies of the C96 were made, Astra made a Schnellfeuer variant even before the official one came out. This one is yet another variation with a fire rate regulating thingamajig.



Bramit Device

Designed by Bratya Mitiny for the Nagant M1895 revolver c.1920′s.
6mm sabotted bullet in a 7,62x38mmR Nagant cartridge, double action, gas-sealed cylinder.
The Bramit device was designed to take advantage of one of the Nagant M1895′s peculiar advantage, its gas seal. With each pull of the trigger the cylinder would be indexed and then pushed forward against the barrel’s breech, in a way that the chamber would sit flush against it and the special round’s elongated case would bridge any remaining gap.
This allowed the revolver to use a suppressor like a self-loading pistol, as well as other silencing devices like this one above. Instead of using baffles and nets to dissipate the expending gas of a fired round, the Bramit device used a two-part system consisting of a muzzle attachment and a special round ; respectively a cylinder with six .7,62mm chambers bottlenecked to 6mm, and a 7,62mm caliber sabot round holding a 6mm bullet.



A .5-inch Mk. III, four-gun anti-aircraft mount and its crew on the cruiser HMS London in 1941

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