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Мальчишки, выбирающие несгоревший уголь из шлака.
Boys salvaging coal from the slag heaps at Nanty Glo, Pennsylvania. 1937. They get 10 cents for each hundred-pound sack. Photo by Ben Shahn.

May 1936. " 'Damned if we'll work for what they pay folks hereabouts.' Crittenden County, Arkansas. Cotton workers on the road, carrying all they possess in the world." Photo by Carl Mydans, Resettlement Administration.

Деревенская мать.
March 1936. "Mother and baby of family of nine living in field on U.S. Route 70 near the Tennessee River." 35mm nitrate negative by Carl Mydans for the Farm Security Administration.

Та же мать среди девяти "живущих в поле" и переселяемых.

March 1936. "Resettlement Administration official investigating the case of nine living in field on U.S. Route 70 between Camden and Bruceton, Tennessee, near the Tennessee River." Photograph by Carl Mydans.

"Дом, сладкий дом!"
December 1936. "Mrs. Charles Benning sweeping steps of shack in Shantytown. Spencer, Iowa." Seen earlier here with her baby.

Лагерь ветеранов Первой мировой. "B.E.F. camp, Anacostia, 1932." The "Bonus Expeditionary Force" encampment of World War I veterans (the Bonus Army) and their families in Washington, D.C. 8x10 acetate negative, National Photo Company Collection.

Бедный рождественский ужин
December 1936: "Christmas dinner in home of Earl Pauley near Smithfield, Iowa. Dinner consisted of potatoes, cabbage and pie." Photograph by Russell Lee for the Farm Security Administration.

Семья фермера.
October 1937. "Family of Joe Kramer, farmer near Williston, North Dakota." Photo by Russell Lee for the Resettlement Administration.

Семейное путешествие.
August 1939. Agricultural migrants. "Family who traveled by freight train. Toppenish, Washington. Yakima Valley." Medium-format nitrate negative by Dorothea Lange for the Farm Security Administration



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