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1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Рейтинг 4.92 (6 Голосов)

Jan 4 1918 IWM (Q 10609) “Men of the 15th Battalion, The Royal Scots, man a Lewis gun in a trench near Croissilles” January 4 1918 by Aitken, Thomas Keith (Second Lieutenant) (Photographer) Production date 1918-01-04

A battery of M1861 13″ seacost mortars during the siege of Yorktown

Jan 15 1919 IWM (Q 93203) “American gunners loading a 6 inch Newton trench mortar at Vitrey” Production date: 1919-01-15

Japanese infantrymen fire their Type 13 Murata rifles at Chinese positions during the First Sino-Japanese War, 1894 

‘Snipers in the furthermost line’. The men themselves are soldiers of the Bavarian 23. Reserve-Infanterie-Regiment which at this time saw service in Siebenburgen, deep in the Carpathian borderlands. It is interesting to see that it shows a pair of snipers, most possibly working together and covering one another. The one on the right seems to wear his helmet over his field cap, resulting in a rather untidy fit.  

Colourized by RJM

Excelsior OTD Jan 22 1921 publishes photos of tanks in #Dublin. On right British using a Mark V tank as a battering ram to break down the door of a Johnston Mooney & O'Brien bakery at 153 Capel Street, Dublin, during the Irish War of Independence.

The Mark V Tank was titled Malvern (aka 10120) 


Légionnaires after a parade

The 421 RK (42mm, 1st model Revolver Kanone) . The unusual calibre of 42mm was selected, firing a 1.09 kg shell at 1,070 m/s to develop a muzzle energy of 624,000 joules, an increase of 80% over the 40 x 311R Bofors L/56. The entire weapon on its wheeled mounting weighed over 6 tons (6,500 kg). This project was given the code name "Red King" by the UK. Oerlikon continued working on Red King until 1958.

March 1917 Exercises of an Imperial Austro-Hungarian storm battalion in Levico.

Знаменитое фото и оригинал ниже.

Feb 2 1918 War photographer David  McLellan takes these photos of the remains of an ammunition train, destroyed at Ytres.


Прибытие императора Николая II в расположение 1-й армии генерала А.И. Литвинова, 30 января 1916 г., район Двинска.

Colourized by Klimbims 

Sep 1 1917

Russian soldier with an Arisaka Type 30, before leaving for the front during WWI. 1916

Soviet soldier dring a Red Square parade, 1940. They are wearing French M15 Adrian helmets with the Soviet Red Star and sniper rifles with fixed bayonets.

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