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1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Рейтинг 2.75 (2 Голосов)

Тяжелый крейсер Альжери- finita la commedia (на просторах соц сетей)

При детальном рассмотрении, в комментах обнаружили, что это рисунок

вот фотография с однотипного "Хорнету" ( тип "Эссекс" ) авианосца "Уосп"(USS "Wasp" СV-18)

Это не "Альжери." Что там делают самолёты на палубе? А не горящий ли японский самолёт на палубу падает? Орудия в башнях явно не 8 дюймовые, да и форма башен явно не крейсерская. Про надстройки вообще молчу....
Это американский авианосец "Хорнет" ( USS CV- 12 Hornet ). И вроде как это вообще не фотография, а рисунок

On the cover: "Kamikaze," watercolor by combat artist Dwight Shepler, depicts an unsuccessful suicide attack by a Japanese "Zero" fighter on the aircraft carrier Hornet (CV 12) on 18 March 1945. Hornet was operating at the time as part of Task Force 58, launching strikes against the Japanese Home Island of Kyushu. These attacks were designed to reduce the number of Japanese aircraft that would be available for kamikaze operations against the US fleet during the invasion of Okinawa.


Оригинальная акварель "Kamikaze" Дуайта Шеплера находится в музее города Филадельфия "Independence Seaport Museum".

"Kamikaze" [painting]

This is the first-hand impression of an artist who witnessed the crashing of a Japanese plane into the deck of the aircraft carrier USS Hornet. Dwight Shepler was one of eight artists sent into combat as part of the Navy Combat Artist Program, established in 1941. He documented the Navy's activities in both the European and Pacific theaters and was awarded the Bronze Star.

A select group of Japanese aviators began taking desperate measures as the Allied forces swiftly advanced towards the Japanese home islands. These aviators would deliberately crash their planes into enemy ships, in a gesture called Kamikaze, sacrificing their lives in the hope of protecting their country.

Mr. Henderson donated this watercolor in 1992 along with 45 artifacts.

Artist: Dwight C. Shepler, USNR, (1905-1974)
Title: Kamikaze, second version, from sketches aboard USS Hornet
Date: 1945
Medium: watercolor on paper
Dimensions: 29 3/4 × 37 1/2 inches
Gift of J. Welles Henderson. Independence Seaport Museum, Philadelphia, PA. ISM 1992.35.21


# waffen 2017-11-18 09:35
Как говорится - для будущих поколений. Может чего убрать, чего добавить?

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