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Апрель 2024
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1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Рейтинг 4.75 (10 Голосов)

Hitler with some of his SS-Begleitkommando guards at the Wolf’s Lair in East Prussia

death of former SS soldier Søren Kams
Kam var eftersøgt for mordet på BT-redaktøren Carl Henrik Clemmensen, der blev skudt på en øde vej lidt udenfor København 30. august 1943.(Foto: POLFOTO)
Kam was sought for the murder of BT editor Carl Henrik Clemmensen, shot on a deserted road outside Copenhagen 30 August 1943. (Photo: POLFOTO)

Soviet sappers dragging crates of explosives towards an enemy house turned stronghold Breslau, 1945

German NCO who has just surrendered in Paris, August 1944.

Anti-War Protesters with Peace with Hitler signs in front of Public Library, 5th Avenue: "Arm Britain and Prolong the War"; "Stay out of South America, of Europe, of War"; "Lend-Lease Lose-Lives"; "Hitler has not attacked us, why attack Hitler?"; "Why Not Peace with Hitler?"; "Europe for Europeans. America for Americans"; "Stay out of Europe"; "The Only Fight Worth Fighting is the Fight for Peace"; "Fight the Draft, Conscription in Tyranny"; "No Loans to England. No Arms to Anyone"; "American Union for Organization Against War"; "The Army and Navy are Hotbeds for Fascism"; "Protest Any Extension for Army Service".

Судя по всему, Сталинград..

Советские офицеры у обугленных тел Геббельса и его жены Магды. 

Второй справа — пленный немецкий вице-адмирал Ганс Эрих Фосс (Hans-Erich Voss, 1897—1969), который опознавал трупы Геббельса и его семьи.

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