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1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Рейтинг 5.00 (3 Голосов)

German prisoner defuses a mine, Omaha Beach, France 1945

Adolf Hitler speaking in 1933. Rudolf Hess stands behind him.

Salvaged German steel helmets in a Berlin factory being made into saucepans. Here the rims of helmets are cut away © IWM (BU 9955)

A tank destroyer "Wolverine" of RBFM (Armored Regiment of Fusiliers Marins) of the Armoured Division entered the city in ruins. 1944 France, Royan

Aerial view over Ardennes showing wrecked tanks
Aerial view over Ardennes showing old barn used as temporary headquarters during the Battle of the Bulge.

Buchenwald Concentration Camp Liberated. High-angle view of Polish prisoners in striped uniforms standing in rows before Nazi officers

German troops of 101.Division cross the bridge at the Polish city of Przemysl and suffer the very first casualties of the conflict with Russia. Note the soldier in the foreground who stares at his dead comrade lying between the railroad tracks.

Image Grave of a British paratrooper in Holland, 1944
The photograph above is of a field grave of a British soldier in the Netherlands during WW2 which has appeared in several publications about the fighting in Arnhem. Until now relatively little was known about the paratrooper who was buried there, beyond his name, army number and date he fell. This article will provide a snapshot of one of the brave airborne soldiers who took part in the Market Garden Campaign.

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