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1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Рейтинг 4.63 (4 Голосов)

Mark V tank on the attack during “The battle of the mud”

Mark V tank on the attack during “The battle of the mud”

Как всегда, в подборке разные эпохи и разные времена.


Shattered armor on a British MkII tank № 586 - Bullecourt March 1918

Captain Nathan J. Johnson. Officer’s mess. Company F, 93d New York Volunteers Headquarters, Army of the Potomac, Bealeton, Virginia August 1863.

Horse-drawn Omnibus, Westmoreland Street, Dublin, circa 1865

Saunders-Roe SR.45 Princess in 1952, the largest all-metal flying boat ever constructed.

Physicist Robert Oppenheimer’s identification image from Los Alamos, ca. 1943.

After being released from Allied detention, German POW Heinz Pelschner reunited with his wife, June 1945. Check out the wood shoes along the wall.

First pig to fly England November 4, 1909

Barricade during the Spartacist uprising, Berlin, 1919

The U.S. Marines salute the U.S. Coast Guard after the fury of battle had subsided and the Japanese on Guam had been defeated. “They Put Us Here and We Intend to Stay” is the way the Marines felt about it. August 1944.

Bodies of US paratroopers of the 1st Brigade, 101st Airborne Division, during the battle of An Ninh, 18 September 1965, hit by heavy fire that began as soon as the first elements had landed. The battle was one of the first of the war between major units of US forces and the Vietcong.

Man protesting during the Great Depression 1929-1930

1920’s Motoruota One Wheel Motorcycle

Стоительство дамбы Гувера 1934 год.

TBD Devastators of VT-6 being prepared for takeoff on the deck of the USS Enterprise diuring the Battle of Midway. 10 of the 14 aircraft were lost in the ensuing attack. 4 June 1942.

Arnold Schwarzenegger and then President George Bush go for a sled ride, 1991

A captured Soviet commissar talking to his encircled comrades through a loudspeaker, Petrozavodsk, September 27th 1941

Soviet sniper Semen Nomokonov with his famous smoking pipe, 1942

A German boy tries to sell his father’s Iron Cross for cigarettes, Berlin, 1945

A team of a Soviet 45-mm anti-tank gun assigned to the 26th Guards Artillery Regiment changes their firing position. Photo by Mikhail Savin. June 4, 1944. Location unknown.

Lee Miller, US war photographer takes a bath in Adolf Hitlers bathtub after visiting the Dachau KZ on the 30th of April 1945. Hitler committed suicide that same day.

Heinrich Trettner, a WWII Luftwaffe General who also served in the Bundeswehr during the 1960’s. Trettner was the last surviving Wehrmacht General, passing away in September, 2006, one day before his 99th birthday.

Graffiti on the road outside the home of Nazi war criminal Joachim Peiper.. Peiper was killed shortly after when his home was fire bombed. Traves, France. 1976.



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